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The keto diet was created in 1921 by Dr. Russel Wilder for the treatment of epilepsy in children.  This was the main successful treatment in the 1920’s and ‘30’s until anticonvulsant therapies were created.  Here are some of the great benefits of the keto diet.

Weight loss.  The obvious benefit of the keto diet is melting pounds away.  You can lose much more weight than with a low fat diet and without hunger.

Type II Diabetes and pre-diabetes.  NOT FOR ANYONE who is a Type 1 diabetic or is insulin dependent.  Type I is not reversible.  People who are Type 1  cannot manufacture insulin in the pancreas.  There are around 1.6 million people who have Type I.  Type II is usually due to insulin resistance wherein the body makes insulin but cannot effectively use it.  Type II can be reversible usually by losing weight and eating healthy because it can increase insulin sensitivity.  This is why the keto diet works so well for Type II diabetics.  Ketones are used for energy while in ketosis and ketones do not need insulin in order to be transported throughout the body. Excessive carbohydrate intake per day in your diet will cause the need for a large amount of insulin to be released by the pancreas in order to remove the carbs.  If your body cannot effectively remove excessive carbs your blood sugar will remain elevated.  This is the cause of Type II diabetes. 

Pre-diabetes is also called metabolic syndrome. This is usually due to insulin resistance.  If you meet any 3 of these criteria you may have metabolic syndrome.

  1. Elevated fasting blood sugar.
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. Large waistline of over 40 inches for men, 35 inches for women.
  4.  Elevated triglycerides
  5. Low HDL cholesterol  

Parkenson’s and Alzheimer’s disease.  The symptoms of these diseases can be reduced and t slow their progression.  

Brain injuries.   These may be helpful with healing concussions and aid in recovery after brain injuries.

Heart disease.  The keto diet can improve risk factors such as obesity,  lower your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels, increase your HDL (good cholesterol) , lower your blood pressure and glucose.

Cancer.  The keto diet has been shown to slow tumor growth in some types of cancer.

Acne.  Eating fewer carbs and processed foods along with lower insulin levels can reduce or improve acne.

Other conditions which may be improved by following the keto diet include autism, multiple sclerosis, migraine headaches, traumatic brain injury,  polycystic ovary syndrome,and  breast and brain cancers.
