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The ketogenic diet can be confusing.  Most people on this diet are always learning something new about it.  So do not worry if it feels hard at first.  As with any kind of learning you need to practice the task.  Did you learn to walk or read in one day?  Patience is very much rewarded in the keto diet.

  1.  Do I really need to track my macros?  Every DAY? 

 YES !  This prevents you from overeating carbs and proteins and not enough healthy fats. Use the Carb Manager app or My Fitness Pal app or any apps for keto you feel comfortable using.  Try out a few.

2.  Do I really need to check the ingredients?  Not unless you want to eat hidden sugars.  This is especially important to do if the product claims to be sugar free, fat free or “diet”.  Companies have become masters of deception on food labels.  You will never achieve ketosis if you don’t understand what you’re eating.  You also need to know how many carbs and protein there are.

3.  What’s the difference between net carbs and total carbs?  TOTAL carbs are ALL the carbohydrates contained in the food like sugars, grains, starches, added carbs, white and wheat flour, cornmeal, and fiber.  NET carbs are total carbs minus the fiber.  Most people on keto use net carbs because most fiber isn’t digested and is passed out of the body.  Fiber is good for your intestines because it acts as little brushes to clean your colon.  If you’ve ever eaten too many prunes then you know exactly how that works!

4.  Do I need to weigh myself?  Yes, as a starting point of reference for much, much later.  You’ll be most able to tell if you’re losing weight by how your clothes start to fit.  You can also take measurements before you start your diet and then weekly thereafter if you want to be a little more sure.  BUT STAY OFF THE SCALES!

5.  Can I cheat or have a cheat weekend? Or maybe just a bite of dessert?   NO!  Not unless you love starting from scratch because you sure won’t be in ketosis or losing any longer!  And you could have terrible headaches and generally feel awful.  But life can throw a curveball and you may inadvertently eat something at a social gathering ,a meeting or just don’t want to feel like you’re being mean or rude to someone and that could throw you out of ketosis. Don’t worry.  Just be kind to yourself and start the keto diet again.

6.  How much water should I drink?   At least 10 cups a day.  This will flush out toxins and unneeded carbs.

7.  Do I Need to Plan Meals?  Yes so that you’re sure to get enough of your daily macros.  Doing this incorrectly will toss you out of ketosis and you’ll wonder why you’re not losing inches.  Make out a meal plan for each meal and snack you’ll need for a week.  Then make a shopping list.  This way you should have everything you need and will be less tempted to cheat.  Also plan for days you’ll be away from home.  Doing this will take time in the beginning, but will become easier as you go along.   And planning meals will be the beginning of keto as a lifestyle and not a diet.

8.  What if I Get Stuck?  It happens so don’t get discouragedInstead, make sure you’re drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, calculating your macros correctly.  Are you eating no more than 20 grams of carbs per day?  Did you check the labels for prohibited and unhealthy ingredients?  Are you aware if any milk is in your food?  Or are you eating too much dairy like too much cheese or yogurt?  Check to see if your portion sizes are too much.  You might need to cut dairy out for a short time or decrease your carbs even lower and use total carbs rather than net carbs.Usually by just tweaking one of these will work for you.

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