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Generally there are three basic types of keto with some other variations of these three.


  1.  The standard or strict keto diet consists of 75-80% healthy fats, 20 grams of carbohydrates, roughly 5 %, and 20% proteins.  It consists of organic fruits and vegetables, fresh caught fish, grass fed beef and free-range chicken and eggs.  NO processed foods such as hot dogs and lunch meats.  This type is the most common and longest researched type of keto.

2. High protein keto diet consists of 60 % fat, 35 % protein and 5 % carbs.  It is similar to the standard but with less fat and more protein.  This can be used when first starting keto to help build muscle and then moving to the standard keto diet .You want to be careful not to have too much protein because this can knock you out of ketosis or you may find you are having a hard time losing weight.  Consistently too much protein causes a condition in which the excess protein is converted to glucose thereby can cause you to start breaking down your lean muscle, such as your heart muscle.

3. Targeted ketogenic diet is used for extra energy by athletes in training or with high-intensity workouts.  Otherwise it is not recommended.Another type of keto diet for athletes is the cyclical keto diet, also for athletes and otherwise not recommended.  These 2 diets can too easily knock you out of ketosis.

4. Dirty keto is much like standard keto but without using organic, grass fed or free-range products. So you would be adding more unknown or unpure ingredients to your body such as low acceptable limits of pesticides, hormones and antibiotics.  Also uses processed foods

5. Lazy keto is less restrictive than standard keto in which the only thing you worry about is making sure you only have 20 grams or less of carbs.  No counting or limiting calories either.  Also uses processed foods and fast food.

There are other versions of the keto diet but they are not really for beginners.
